In a world where magic and monsters exist, a boy named Finneus wanted nothing more than to live a simple, peaceful life. Thus far, it hadn't been all sunshine and rainbows. Most of his family had passed away and the one person left to take care of him...well, let's just say treated him poorly. An old wizard accidentally finds himself interrupting Finneus' peaceful life when he stumbles through a portal haphazardly onto his farm. Determined to apologize, he gives the young boy a special ring that will change his fate.
Finneus must find all fifteen pieces of the mage's armory in order to return back to his peaceful life, but along the way he'll encounter dragons, wizards, a giant, a princess, and more fame than he ever wanted.
Come join Balthazar as he tells you a fantastical story out of time. Will Finneus ever be able to return back to his normal life? Will he want to?
*Disclaimer - This story is available on Kindle Vella*
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